
50 Common WordPress Errors: A NullBlogger's Guide

WordPress is undoubtedly one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) globally, empowering millions of websites. However, like any complex system, it's prone to errors. These errors can range from minor inconveniences to significant hurdles that can halt your website's functionality. As a NullBlogger, diving into WordPress errors is part of the journey. In this guide, we'll explore 50 common WordPress errors, offering insights and solutions to keep your site running smoothly.


  1. White Screen of Death (WSOD): Often caused by plugin or theme conflicts, resulting in a blank screen. To resolve, deactivate plugins or switch to a default theme.
  2. Internal Server Error: Typically caused by a corrupted .htaccess file or PHP memory limit. Renaming the .htaccess file or increasing memory limits can help.
  3. Error Establishing Database Connection: Occurs when WordPress cannot connect to the database. Check database credentials in wp-config.php.
  4. 404 Not Found Error: Commonly due to permalink issues. Resetting permalinks in Settings can fix this.
  5. Maintenance Mode Stuck: If WordPress gets stuck in maintenance mode after an update, delete the .maintenance file from your root directory.
  6. Connection Timed Out: Often a server-related issue. Check with your hosting provider for server health and resource allocation.
  7. The Dreaded 500 Internal Server Error: An ambiguous error, often related to server misconfigurations. Check server logs for clues.
  8. Error Establishing a Database Connection After Migration: Update wp-config.php with new database credentials after migrating your WordPress site.
  9. Missing Stylesheet Error: Occurs when installing the wrong file. Ensure you're uploading the theme's .zip file, not the entire package.
  10. WordPress Stuck in Login Redirect Loop: Usually caused by incorrect URL settings. Update site URLs in the wp-config.php file or via the database.
  11. Images Not Uploading: Check folder permissions in wp-content/uploads and ensure there's enough server disk space.
  12. WordPress Keeps Logging Out: Clear cookies and cache, deactivate plugins, or check for PHP session save path issues.
  13. Scheduled Posts Not Publishing: Check your scheduled tasks in the wp-cron.php file and ensure it's properly configured.
  14. Allowed Memory Size Exhausted Error: Increase PHP memory limit in php.ini or wp-config.php to address memory exhaustion issues.
  15. Syntax Error in WordPress: Typically caused by incorrect code edits. Review recent changes in themes or plugins.
  16. WordPress White Screen with PHP Errors: Enable WP_DEBUG in wp-config.php to display PHP errors, aiding in troubleshooting.
  17. Error 403 Forbidden Access: Check file permissions and .htaccess rules to ensure proper access permissions.
  18. WordPress Login Page Refreshing/Redirecting Issue: Clear browser cache and cookies, and check for plugin conflicts.
  19. WordPress RSS Feed Errors: Reinstall WordPress core files or disable malfunctioning plugins to address feed issues.
  20. Error 429 Too Many Requests: Often due to aggressive crawling or bot traffic. Install rate-limiting plugins or implement server-side throttling.
  21. WordPress Keeps Logging Out Users: Check for conflicting plugins or themes, and review security settings.
  22. Can't Upload PDF Files: Add MIME type support for PDF files in WordPress by editing the functions.php file.
  23. WordPress Memory Exhausted Error: Increase PHP memory limit by editing php.ini or wp-config.php.
  24. WordPress Keeps Logging Me Out When Using wp-admin: Verify cookie settings in wp-config.php and check for conflicting plugins.
  25. WordPress Error 503 Service Unavailable: Usually caused by server overload or maintenance. Contact your hosting provider.
  26. WordPress Not Sending Email Notifications: Configure SMTP settings or use third-party email services to ensure reliable email delivery.
  27. Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance Error: Remove .maintenance file from your WordPress root directory after updates.
  28. Lost Admin Password: Reset admin password via phpMyAdmin or by using the "Lost your password?" link.
  29. WordPress Page Not Found Error: Check for permalink settings and rebuild permalinks if necessary.
  30. Error 404 Not Found: Ensure proper permalink settings and check for conflicting plugins.
  31. WordPress Updating Failed: Verify file permissions, check available disk space, and deactivate plugins before updating.
  32. Error 500 – Internal Server Error: Disable plugins and themes to identify the culprit causing the server error.
  33. WordPress Admin Dashboard Is Not Displaying Properly: Clear browser cache and deactivate conflicting plugins.
  34. WordPress Sidebar Below Content Error: Check theme files for HTML or CSS errors, and adjust styling accordingly.
  35. WordPress Missed Schedule Error: Install the "WP Missed Schedule Fix Failed Future Posts" plugin to address scheduling issues.
  36. This Site Ahead Contains Harmful Programs Error: Contact your hosting provider or security service to resolve security issues.
  37. WordPress Plugin Could Not Be Activated Because It Triggered a Fatal Error: Check for plugin compatibility or conflicts with other plugins or themes.
  38. Unable to Create Directory Error: Adjust folder permissions to allow WordPress to create directories.
  39. WordPress Database Error You Have an Error in Your SQL Syntax: Review recent database changes and address SQL syntax errors.
  40. Allowed Memory Size of X Bytes Exhausted Error: Increase PHP memory limit in php.ini or wp-config.php.
  41. WordPress Error Too Many Redirects: Reset .htaccess file and check for incorrect URL settings.
  42. Connection Timed Out Error: Contact your hosting provider to address server timeout issues.
  43. Error Establishing a Database Connection After WordPress Update: Review database credentials in wp-config.php and ensure compatibility.
  44. WordPress HTTP Error When Uploading Images: Increase PHP memory limit or check server configuration for image upload issues.
  45. Syntax Error in WordPress Themes: Review theme files for syntax errors and correct accordingly.
  46. The Site Is Experiencing Technical Difficulties Error: Check server logs and update WordPress core files if necessary.
  47. Can't Access WordPress Admin After Installation: Check database credentials and verify file permissions.
  48. WordPress Not Sending Email Notifications: Configure SMTP settings or use third-party email services for reliable email delivery.
  49. Error 500 Internal Server Error: Review server logs and disable conflicting plugins or themes.
  50. WordPress Keeps Logging Out: Check cookie settings in wp-config.php and review security settings for potential issues.

Conclusion: Navigating through WordPress errors can be challenging, but armed with the right knowledge and troubleshooting techniques, you can overcome them efficiently. Remember, maintaining regular backups and staying updated with the latest WordPress releases can help prevent many errors from occurring in the first place. As a NullBlogger, embrace these challenges as opportunities to deepen your understanding of WordPress and enhance your website's resilience and performance.

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