
How Much Money Really Make with Adsense?


Adsense makes it possible to earn money from ads by displaying them on your website. But how much money can you really make with Adsense? 

The amount you make depends on your site traffic, your click-through rate, and the location of your ads. This article explains how much money you can make and gives tips to boost your earnings as much as possible with Adsense ads.

Earnings calculation:
This will depend on a number of factors, including your average revenue per pageview and pageview count. Google provides some rough numbers for you to use as a guide: The average revenue per 1000 impressions (or CPC) is about $1.60 for search ads and about $0.73 for content ads.


Money Really Make with Adsense



*The difference between traditional content sites and affiliate sites

An affiliate site is a website that contains links to other web sites where you can buy products or services. When people click through your affiliate links and make a purchase, you earn a commission from that sale. Content sites are those sites that use their own original content. For example, if you have a travel site, and write about Spain for an audience of Spanish-speaking travelers, and there’s an ad on your page for flights to Spain, then you are generating revenue from Google adsense.

*Why you can’t use other people’s earnings as an estimate of your own

Google AdSense, like most internet ads, follows a pay-per-click model. This means you’re paid every time someone clicks on an ad. However, there are a lot of factors that affect your earnings potential as a publisher—from where on your site your ads appear to which ones you choose to show. So while it may be possible for some people to make $10-$15 per day through Google AdSense, these earnings aren’t necessarily typical or realistic for all publishers.

*How Google defines quality content

Now, we all know that you don’t just put garbage on your website and expect Google to send you boatloads of traffic. But it does help to know what Google is looking for in quality content. In short, Google wants to see unique content that people are willing to link to and share. Basically, if your content sucks, no one will care about it enough to share it—and if no one shares your content, no one will ever see it!

*Where can I get traffic from?

When it comes to earning income from Google’s advertising network, there are two main factors that go into your earning potential: 1) how much traffic you can send to Google and 2) what type of advertiser is advertising on your site.

*Why should I even bother if I’m not going to make money?

This is one of those questions that requires you to figure out how much time you have, how much patience you have, and what resources are available to you. If it’s something that seems simple to do and doesn’t involve too much fuss, go for it! Even if you don’t make money right away. Especially if you don’t make money right away—you may want to experiment a bit before investing too heavily in anything that sounds like it can make some serious cash.

*Should I start an ad network on my own?

No. It's better to use someone else's network, with that company managing and maintaining it. If you've got a solid idea for an ad network, there are plenty of companies looking for individuals like you to manage theirs. But if you don't have that kind of business sense yet, then stick to working through an existing one.

*What’s the best type of site for me, a travel blog or an authority site?

Whether you want to make travel blogging your full-time gig or just a little side hustle, it’s important to understand which niche you should choose for yourself. In order to decide whether you should create a travel site or an authority site, there are four questions that need answering: 1) What is my content going to be about? 2) How niche will I go with my subject matter?

*Run Ads on Your Site or No?

Google AdSense can be a great way to make money online, but it may not be as simple as many people think. How much you earn from your site depends on how you monetize and what kind of traffic you get. You won’t see any money until at least a month after your first signup, so it may take some time before you start making sales.

*Should I ask friends to run ads on their sites too?

More money is always a good thing. If you want to get started on Google AdSense, you should start by asking your friends if they’d like to try it out as well. It’s a win-win scenario; not only will you earn some extra cash, but your friends can make more money too!

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

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এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

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