
Understanding and Resolving Blogger Error 30: A Guide for Bloggers

Are you a passionate blogger encountering Blogger Error 30 on your platform? Fret not, as you're not alone in facing this hiccup. Blogger Error 30 is a notorious issue that has frustrated many bloggers around the globe. In this guide, we'll delve into what Blogger Error 30 is, its potential causes, and effective solutions to help you get your blog back on track.

blogger error

What is Blogger Error 30?

Blogger Error 30 is a common error code that many bloggers encounter while trying to publish or update their blog posts on the Blogger platform. When this error occurs, it typically displays a message that reads, "An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again."

For bloggers who rely on Blogger (also known as Blogspot) as their preferred platform, encountering Error 30 can be frustrating and disruptive to their workflow. However, understanding the root causes of this error is the first step towards resolving it.

Potential Causes of Blogger Error 30

  1. Internet Connectivity Issues: Sometimes, Blogger Error 30 may occur due to unstable or poor internet connectivity. If your internet connection is slow or intermittent, it can hinder the publishing process and trigger this error.

  2. Browser Compatibility Problems: Another common cause of Error 30 is browser-related issues. Outdated browsers, incompatible browser extensions, or corrupted browser caches can all interfere with the smooth functioning of Blogger and lead to this error.

  3. Blogger Server Glitches: At times, Blogger's servers may experience temporary glitches or maintenance activities, causing disruptions in the publishing process and resulting in Error 30.

  4. Exceeding Post Size Limitations: Blogger imposes certain limitations on the size of individual blog posts, including text, images, and other media content. If your post exceeds these limits, you may encounter Error 30 while trying to publish or update it.

Resolving Blogger Error 30: Effective Solutions

  1. Check Your Internet Connection: Start by ensuring that your internet connection is stable and functioning properly. Switching to a different network or resetting your modem/router may help resolve connectivity issues that could be causing Error 30.

  2. Clear Browser Cache and Cookies: Clearing your browser's cache and cookies can help eliminate any corrupted data that might be causing compatibility issues with Blogger. Additionally, try accessing Blogger using a different browser to see if the error persists.

  3. Trim Down Your Blog Post: If your blog post contains a large amount of content or media files, consider reducing its size by removing unnecessary elements or splitting it into smaller parts. This can help prevent Error 30 caused by exceeding Blogger's post size limitations.

  4. Check Blogger Status: Before troubleshooting further, it's advisable to check the status of Blogger's servers to see if there are any reported outages or maintenance activities that could be causing Error 30. You can visit the Blogger Help Forum or follow Blogger's official social media channels for updates on service disruptions.

  5. Contact Blogger Support: If you've tried the above solutions and are still experiencing Error 30, don't hesitate to reach out to Blogger's support team for assistance. Provide them with detailed information about the error message and steps you've taken to troubleshoot the issue, and they'll be better equipped to help you resolve it.


Blogger Error 30 can be a frustrating roadblock for bloggers striving to share their content with the world. However, by understanding its potential causes and implementing the appropriate solutions outlined in this guide, you can overcome this obstacle and continue creating and publishing captivating blog posts on the Blogger platform.

Remember, patience and persistence are key when troubleshooting technical issues like Error 30. With the right approach and mindset, you'll be back to blogging bliss in no time!

Happy Blogging

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