
6 Water Heater Maintenance Tips



Access to hot water is essential for all homeowners. Therefore, water heaters should be of premium quality and durability. As every water heater maintenance company would say, water heaters are sensitive devices. That's because they have both hydraulic and electric parts that are not supposed to get close to each other. It's also important to know how to maintain your water heater. A properly maintained water heater could last even more than a decade. Here are some useful tips for maintaining your water heater and ensuring its longevity.

Carefully Check the Pressure Release Valve

The pressure release valve is one of the most crucial hydraulic parts in your water heater. In case of a thermostat malfunction, the water temperature inside the tank could reach the boiling point. That means hot water could create steam in the tank, which might cause a devastating explosion. However, the existence of the pressure release valve makes water heaters safer to use than in the past. It's a good idea to maintain the pressure release valve at least once a year. Checking how it can function and ensuring that no part is corroded could prolong your water heater's estimated lifespan.

Empty the Water Tank

If you live in locations where the water is harder (contains more minerals like calcium), you need to flush your water heater at least twice a year. That means emptying the tank and cleaning all the inside walls to ensure that debris and particles won't accumulate in your water heater. Flushing the tank is an easy task if you know how to perform it. You only need a large pot to empty the water inside and flush it in the toilet. Then you can clean the inside walls using a soft cloth and remove all the dirt and debris accumulated. When the water heater gets refilled, you may enjoy clear water for at least another semester.

Give Your Water Heater More Space

Water heaters should not be close to other furniture or appliances. That's why you need to find a spacious room to place it and have a distance from any other item. Such spaces are usually found in the basement or the attic of your house. It's important to have your water heater in an easily accessible place to perform all the yearly maintenance plans. If you keep your water heater close to other items, you may cause rust or corrosion to its parts. A free space provides it a safe function and makes it possible for you to check the various indicators (LED lights) while operating.

Upgrade The Water Heater Insulation

Water heaters keep the water warm for many hours. That happens because they have an insulation layer embracing the water tank. To maintain your water heater right, you need to upgrade that insulation from time to time. A yearly inspection plan to the water heater insulation may show some parts that are worn out and need replacement. Applying a better insulative material would isolate the internal parts from the outer environment. As a result, your water heater would be adequately protected from the outer environment and have more chances to operate smoothly for many years to come.

Perform Anode Rod Checking

The anode rod is close to the heating element where electricity passes by and gives the necessary heat to warm the water. That anode rod is made from sensitive metals that attract minerals and calcium to ensure that corrosion will not happen to other crucial parts of the device. We know that anode rod replacement is included in your water heater's maintenance plan and should occur at least once every five years. However, some anode rods could be worn out even from the first year of their use, especially when their quality is questionable. If you include the anode rod inspection in the yearly maintenance plan, you safeguard your water heater's longevity.

Ensure That the Thermostat Is Working Efficiently

Another tip for maintaining your water heater is to check the thermostat. It's an easy-to-access part showing the actual water temperature and allowing the electric currency to pass through the heating element. If the temperature reaches the desired level, the thermostat cuts the power and stops working. Any malfunction to the thermostat could make the water hotter than before and gradually compromise the water tank walls and other crucial parts of your heater. Keeping your thermostat in the best possible condition is a smart way to save money and keep your water heater functional for another decade!

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